I've had all these great ideas to post but we've been pretty ill at our house since we got back from Hawaii. We got a bug that caused tons of laundry, hours spent in the bathroom, and just downright tiredness. My babies got a cold that made them like velcro to me, and when I finally got it, I had to take tylenol and lay around most of the day, I felt sorry for them after experiencing what they went through!! So hopefully, we are done with illness for the season, one can only hope. We've also been busy trying to get things done around the house that weren't while we were ill, did some painting, more shovelling, etc, etc...the kids have been lots of fun, we met Kaleb last week at an indoor playpark, and we even went swimming on Saturday at the fitness club. They absolutely love swimming and it is so fun to hang with them. So here are some pics, I think I'm going to start a series of that was then, this is now photos in my posts, I've been finally working on their scrapbooks and I can't believe the difference! They are growing sooo fast, both John and I lamented that we don't have babies any more but toddling toddlers*sigh*We are having happy times right now and it's a good place to be in the new year! I have to post Michael's turn at the reading, he does it so quick it's hard to catch, and then sometimes I have to nudge him because he is very camera conscious, the little stinker:) Plus, I had to do it so quick that the lighting wasn't the best as it was of course, night time!

A teaching moment with Daddy!

Great shot of me but M and I were having so much fun with the camera that day!

Phoebe reads to Daddy

It's been so cold here even the dogs have to wear jackets!

This was such a good photo of Sydney I just had to post it!

yeah, I know, flattering shot of me but we all just had gotten up!

Adventure Peak, still waiting for photos from Kami:)

Michael having a blast pushing his sister around at the indoor park!

one of my favorite Phoebe shots, wearing a Christmas gift from Nana and Papa!

The infamous Tokmok outfit(3-6 months, yeah, it still fits!) I'm looking for the one where she is wearing one like it there...

Still one of our favorite Jammies, Jan 09!

July 08

Remember this, april 08?

April 08,that was then...

Oct 2008,this is then too!
Michael has grown, but Phoebe looks so much older in the recent pics. Her hair has grown so much. It sounds like they are lots of fun, wish we were closer, we'd come play with you!
Look at the transformations. Wow! Phoebe truly is changing over the last 2 mos.
You all look great :) Glad you're household is on the mend. x
Your kids are getting so big, and they look a lot alike. Isn't that amazing how that works out!
Wow! Phoebe is looking so grown up. I know she still may be small but her hair and facial features are making her look like a little girl now not a baby as much. Micheal looks like he is just as healthy as a horse too! Thanks for all the pictures they are great!
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