I found my camera and thought I'd post the rest of paradise pictures. There is a cost to living in paradise we found. You have to be independently wealthy, inherit a lot of money, or as in most of the cultures around the world, work together and live together as a family unit(ie parents, brothers, sisters) to survive or get ahead, or else live very meagerly. My eyes almost popped out of my head at the grocery store and one lady and I were shocked and commiserated at the price of syrup, 5.99 for 10oz of syrup-generic kind. Almost everything was double. To go out to a nice restaurant in Hawaii costs a couple $100, and that is not including anything to drink, your salad, side dishes like veggies, let alone dessert or tip. So for those planning a trip to Hawaii, save you pennies, go on a diet, and make sure the place you have has a place to do food. Let alone saving for the airfare. I loved Hawaii, but I know I would get island fever in a big way and feel trapped if I had to live there. But I sure miss that weather right about now. Funny, it reminds alot of the Philippines(which is why there are so many filipinos there), especially when you get away from the resorts and to where the Hawaiians live, minus the population, fumes, pollution. And people still drive in lanes in Hawaii although they make the most dangerous left turn cut offs I've seen in the US.
It was a nice break from reality, but it sure didn't feel like Christmas. Especially since there were no grandparents around!! I feel like I lost the whole holiday this year...
One fun thing was the power went out the night before we left, I was in the middle of packing and doing laundry-bang-blackout!!(just like the philippines:) I ended up going to bed rather than using the flashlight I had found in the closet. On this trip we also got evacuated from the timeshare because one poor husband left the timeshare while he was cooking Christmas dinner-I'm sure his wife gave him an earful!
The beach was fantastic- we were not on Waikiki-which is eroding into the ocean and ubercrowded but on the quiet side of the island. There were 4 lagoons that were carved out and made safe from the rough surf so little kids could enjoy the ocean. Michael had the best time running from the waves once he figured out what was going on with the water! It was so much fun to watch him and hear him laugh:) Phoebe just liked being in the water, she doesn't have the engineer brain like her brother but is plenty precocious!! We also figured out it is much easier to raise babies in warm weather, no socks or shoes needed, what are mittens and jackets and dressing meltdowns over there?
Another thing we did was to take our kids to play with the dolphins, Phoebe was terrified and I thought she was the fearless one, Michael was fascinated but also afraid-I guess being one is too young for those fascinating creatures. Although they didn't favor being with the dolphins, they LOVED the dolphin show! It was pretty good, and so much nicer than being in a crowded stadium at Seaworld watching Shamu, not that the show isn't good, but it was definitely much more relaxed.
The best thing that happened was our friend Jo-who also leads my bible study at home, bid for our flight home to Minneapolis and surprised us at the airport! It was sooo nice to feel special and taken care of on the long journey home! Thanks Jo, we love you!!! She is an amazing woman with many stories of faith to tell! And we love the airbus 330!!! WE had a staight shot home in 8 hours overnight and I stayed up watching 2 movies...Michael slept the whole time sprawled out on 2 seats, and Phoebe slept very uncomfortably, kept waking up and crying-she missed her crib and was never a sleep in your arms girl, she did best in the ergo but then would wake up when she wanted to do a flip and couldn't...
I think I've rambled enough, I've been going stir crazy because I caught a bug somewhere and have been stuc in the house now for 3 days! Enjoy!

I love it! I can't wait to go back to Hawaii one day. For now we'll probably stick to the Bahamas...much closer for us Floridians!
I love it! I can't wait to go back to Hawaii one day. For now we'll probably stick to the Bahamas...much closer for us Floridians!
I know it was sad without the grandparents, but the pictures and memories will still be priceless! My wonderful in-laws took the whole family to Maui a few years ago for Christmas (got there Christmas day!!) and it was the best trip ever! Dad passed the following Thanksgiving (cancer--I think he knew that was going to be his last holiday season with us), and you are SO right on it being costly, but I am just grateful to God that we had that opportunity and the memories.
And the pictures...those chubby little legs in the sand...priceless!
Love all the pictures of the QTs :)
I can't believe how the kids are growing and changing. I'm eyeing Phoebe's hair as I'm LOVING the curls and hoping we see some of those soon too!!
I love the pics.! Your kids are adorable! The Hawaii pics. were awesome, I know what it feels like to go someplace warm in the middle of winter, it seems twice as cold when you get back.
So sorry that the grandparents were not able to make it. I know that was so disappointing. Looks like you manged to salvage quite a memorable trip...your pictures are beautiful! If you get tired of the long winter ahead, you could always head south again....
Hey Gen,
OK, even from sunny and warm Cali, those photos made me jealous :)
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