Sunday, January 25, 2009

Holding A Miracle

Above is a video we watched today at church. It brings many emotions, joy, sorrow, pain, conflict, anger, hurt, great and miraculous love, you name it. What struck me most when I watch this video is the miracle of my own adopted children. Honestly, it affects both my husband and I to watch as an infertile couple, longing to experience what the rounded belly and loving expressions the husbands show, and feeling a little hurt and at a loss. But it also gives us the awe and hope that we have experienced as adoptive parents, that our children are truly miracles and that actually were given to us to be part of our family, given a chance to live and breath and be part of this world. We are truly honored. Especially when 80% of all abortions are performed in other countries, and our babies came from one of them. It was indeed a miracle that Michael and Phoebe became ours. And now, we are hurt and extremely sorrowful from the fact that our hard earned money now goes to pay for those abortions, without our consent, or our choice...


Schlef Family said...

This was a beautiful video. Thanks for sharing it.

Margaret and Tom said...

Hey Gen, I couldn't watch the whole video but I scanned through it, I like to think the pain from infertility is all erased by our beautiful daughter, but there are times (like watching a video like this) I am reminded there was that pain and loss in our you understand. Anyway the video is a good message, and in the end I am so thankful that Milana was not aborted. It is so sad our country does not want to defend these babies lives and we will have to support it whether we like it or not.

Carmi said...

Eliana and I watched this video together. We have talked about abortion and how wrong it is. We enjoyed the beautiful pictures. So right, one abortion is too many.

Lori said...

Oh, how I cried and cried...and am still crying...I live and breathe because my mother did not abort me. I long for, from the depths of my soul, the miracle of a little life in my arms. I was writing letters about the horrors of abortion when I was 5. How kind, loving and compassionate and even Christian people can look at those pictures and still proclaim themselves pro-choice is just so perplexing to me.

I need some more tissues...

Rachel said...

I grew up on the picket lines and my stance against abortion has only grown stronger as I get older. Pregnancy is not an accident. Maybe it could have been prevented, but God doesn't make mistakes. All people serve a purpose and are meant to be here. Many times people miss their purpose, but that doesn't mean others shouldn't be given a chance to fufill theirs.