Well , the time is almost here to leave this fascinating land. We have thoroughly enjoyed the beauty of the mountains. It has been nice to kick back and have nothing to do but enjoy our boy. Michael is enjoying blogging with me. We are so sad that he has caught our cold. However, we are happy to report that he has formed stool!!!! Yeah!!! Now my husband is stooling more than Michael. (John added that comment) I took the dive and switched him over to the Enfamil lipil I brought with, had I brought more he would have gotten it sooner. I was of course trying to wean him slowly with whatever he was on but it didn’t work. Guess I need to learn Russian. Next time I’m bringing my own. He is eating his 32 oz with gusto!!! It just goes to show that you can never be totally prepared with little ones. We are so glad he such a flexible, happy guy. He is thriving on the affection and we are overjoyed to give it to him.
We leave at 720 am tomorrow morning. We hope we have a smooth transition with all we have left to do. We tried to get everything right and our facilitator is really fantastic at what she does especially as things change fast around here. I won’t blog until I return home, getting ready to leave with all the stuff we have and loving our son will be all I can handle. It really has been a wonderful trip. Your messages to us have been very uplifting. John especially liked the advice about the animals going in the front, it saved him during the midnite diaper explosions. We have gone down to once a nite, and last night, Michael slept through! Picking up a son halfway around the world is an incredible, tear producing, humbling journey, but certainly one Fantastic Journey!!! We can’t wait to do it again.
We are counting the hours when we will see you all and will post when we get back. LOVE TO YOU ALL!!!!
Safe travels home family of three! It's been so fun to read about your experience there and what it's been like to travel with a little one in a foreign country. Just think, you're now part of the "secret club" who gets to do something the majority of people don't get to do. God has lit your path the entire way. :) Enjoy being back home and settling in to your new life. Thinking of you guys! Eric, Sara & Nils Lee
Hip hip hooray! The photos are just priceless, I feel like I alredy know this beautiful little man. Glad to hear that everyones health is on the upswing. Can't wait for the baby shower, hope the jet lag is gone by then.
Hug, prayers and blessings all around! JoJo
The photos are just priceless! Glad to hear that everyones health is on the upswing. Can't wait to meet this little man at the baby shower (hope the jet lag is gone by then!).
Hugs, prayers and blessings all around!
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