Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Michael's Gotcha Day Video Montage

I finally did it. Just in time for Michael's first gotcha day, July 30th, 2007!!!
I hope it works...I'm going to try it as soon as I get it posted. If not, let me know please!


Jes said...

Gen - This is very moving and I can't stop crying. Thank you so much for sharing!!!

Jackie said...

What a wonderful tribute. Congratulations on Gotcha Day!! We will be thinking of you all as you celebrate this special milestone :)

Jackie & Nola x

Rachel said...

So beautiful...I definitely have tears in my eyes! This first Gotcha Day is so special.

Mom to 2 Angels said...

You did such a great job! That will be a great keepsake for M to look back at. He has changed so much. Happy Early Gotcha Day!

Anonymous said...

Oh, how beautiful!! Happy Gotcha day, Michael! He has grown sooo much in a year, hasnt he? Congrats to all of you...many many more to come. (Any great gotcha day traditions you are establishing?)

Hilary Marquis said...

Nice work, Gen! You have me sobbing like a baby! I remember so vividly what it was like to walk into Tokmok and meet Anara. I can't imagine what it must have been like for you, to meet and hold your very first child. I know how hard you prayed for him, and I am so happy that you were blessed with him and with Phoebe. Congratualtions on 1 yr of Mommyhood!! Blessings,

TheHappyNeills said...

just beautiful!

janiece said...

I LOVE it!! Made me all teary-eyed.
I think we had the same room at Asia Mountain.

Margaret and Tom said...

Oh what a beautiful Montage...I love both songs, but am wondering what that second song is...if you don't mind dropping me an email about it...:) Hopefully you got my return email about the CWA picnic...if not let me know and I will resend :) Have a GREAT day and kiss Michael (and Phoebe for me!)

Lisa said...

The tears are flowing! That was so beautiful, so moving! If I am bawling now, how ever will I be able to hold it together when we head over there for our baby?
Congratulations! What a wonderful way to chronicle this forever. The music is beautiful, and the pictures are priceless.
God bless you guys. Let us know if you'd like to meet some time. We'd love to!! Now that we're done with all the document gathering, I'm going crazy here! :)
-Lisa and Tony

Maria said...

It was just the emotional fix I needed to "get me through" this never-ending wait. You did SUCH a beautiful job, a tribute to the love you have for this sweet little man. I am so glad you shared it -- even though it's hard to cry this early in the day! *smile*

Renee said...

I am new to your blog, we're just starting our IA journey and have chosen Kyrgyzstan. Thank you so much for that priceless glimpse into your son's life. It was beautiful and now I'm crying!