Then, I just had to add more of our mischievous daughter. John said she rolled across the hotel room floor, crawled to her toys, and had him on his toes while I went to the orphanage with Dianne and her Dad! It's amazing someone so tiny can move so much. She likes to do flips while we are changing her, nice for when she is messy!!

I also had to share our son's Easter away from us!! But he is in a welled loved family with well loved friends. I can't wait until next year when we are all together:)

Hi Gen and John! The resemblance between your two children is amazing! Phoebe sounds like she is so strong and she is just as happy as a clam now that she is in your arms. I love the pictures of her in the striped hat, soooo cute! I'm glad Michael is doing well and had a good Easter with the Stahl's! Take care, thanks again! Margaret
I tried to comment earlier but I don't think it took. Anyway, the resemblence IS pretty amazing! And I love the fact that Scarlett has the exact same pink and gray sweater from Old Navy...one of my many purchases :)
How amazing to have those photos so similar! What a gift for those two to have each other. I am so happy for you all.
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