I just got an email from my faciliator, 1345 CST, 6 Mar 2008 I found out that we are now decreed as the proud parents of a baby girl!!!! Can we say, whew!!! It's been a long wait for this one compared to Michael and we weren't too sure we would be able to complete the adoption. But God said YES!!! We are so happy and relieved. Now the official countdown can begin!! In about 2 weeks we head off to Kyrgyzstan to bring our little PC home. Precious child also now known as Phoebe Rachel Collingham will be in ours soon!! We can hardly wait!!
Phoebe is named after the patron in Romans 16:1 who ministered to many and delivered the book itself from Paul. It was not an easy time in that day, and most likely would have involved a bit of risk. Her name in the Greek means, "bright shining sun." Rachel is a well known woman from the old testament and was well loved by Jacob. Her name in Hebrew means "innocent as a lamb."
She is indeed a little beauty and her photo debut will be saved for our "gotcha" day. She and Michael will be a beautiful pair of Krygyzstan "twins." Many thanks to all who have supported us to get to this day, we are eternally grateful.
Congrats to you! What a wonderful day! Two weeks left...so exciting. She is a little beauty...soon she will be in your arms. I know it has been a long wait for her. You must be so excited. I lover her name by the way...beautiful.
Yippeeee. Praise God...
What a wondeful day! Her name is beautiful...I can't wait to see pictures of her...I bet these 2 weeks will fly by!!! I will keep you in my prayers!!! What an amazing time...
YEA!! Contratulations~How exciting!
We can't wait to meet her in 2 weeks. So, glad you received this good news today.
Yayyy!!! You already know what I think ;) I cannot wait for you to have her home with you, John and Michael. How sweet it will be.
Love & hugs, my friend!
Yay! I can't wait to see her beautiful pictures. I love the name and the thought you put into it. Congrats on being mommy again!
What a sweet name! Congratulations. Wow 2 weeks. That is wonderful. I am super happy for you and your family.
John and Gen,
We are ECSTATIC to hear that your adoption decree went through. We can't wait to meet Phoebe. Blessings as you prepare to travel. We love you!
Kami, Scott, and Kaleb
Such excellent news. I am so happy for all of you.
I was just about to email you asking about this, but figured your blog was a good place to look! Congrats! What a relief this is! Oh, and I LOVE her middle name...thank you for spelling it correctly (BTW - that's who I was named after).
Wonderful news!!! Can't wait to see your joyous gotcha day pics!
Best wishes to you for safe & quick travel there and back.
Congratulations! I'm so excited for you. Best wishes and our prayers are with you!
Wonderful news! I can't wait to see the Gotcha pictures! Michael will be a great big brother!
YAHOO! SO happy for you guys! We'll be praying for all the details! Miss you, Katie
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!! How exciting! Can't wait for the gotcha pictures!
Oh HOW EXCITING!!! I can't wait to see photos. Congratulations!!!
You must be so excited. If there is anything we can do to held from Kyrgyzstan, let me know
Blessing John
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