We had our appointment, and John was home so we thought we would go ahead and try...
It was disasterous!! Today we are laughing because absolutely none of the photos they took had us all looking somewhat decent. Someone was always having a tough time or funny look. It would only work if we cropped parts out and pieced them together, but that doesn't make for a good family photo. So I cropped out some great shots of some of us from the whole photo and only put one of poor sick Phoebe up in her real state of affairs-there were absolutely no good ones in a family shot. If I put some of those up they might not let us adopt again...needless to say, we might have to go back when Phoebe feels better and when her eyes don't get puffed up from crying...I'd have to say she cried almost the whole time we were there no matter what we tried, bottle, kisses, silly faces, dog licks, even Michael went and gave her a big kiss and a pat on the back(where was the photographer when THAT happened?).

They are starting their own language and are starting to interact with each other, yeah!! That's one good thing coming out of being sick together.
As far as the photos go at least the photographer was really nice and understanding, John said that was wasted hours he'd never get back again...although we are getting a good laugh out of the photo CD:)

Sick or not, she is adorable. Of course I see Michael is unphased by all of it, laughing away. I love it.
Congratulations - Hadn't talked to you in awhile so I thought I'd check in and see how you are doing - looks like everyone is doing great! Sue & I really liked the picture of Phoebe on John's head - that's a great shot. Glad everything went well and you are all back home safe. I'm sure things are still in a little bit of an uproar, but we'll give you a call sometime this week to catch up a little more.
-- Mark & Sue
Awwww...I really like the pics. Poor Phoebe, though. I hope she is feeling much better by now. I love those little shirts the babes are wearing :) x
At least the pictures will make you smile and you'll remember exactly what was going on when P was 6 months. They are both too cute, sick or not. i love their little outfits with coordinating striped pants :)
Just the shot on daddy's head was worth it, how cute it that? Aren't photo shoots a blast?! *hahaha* Hope you are all feeling better now, hang in there mommy.
I agree, the last shot is fantastic! I think my fav is actually the first one of you and Michael. I love open mouthed laughs! Sorry for the tragic picture day though...hope she gets to feeling better soon.
Those pictures are priceless! (Well, I guess not really since you probably paid for them, but...) I LOVE the realistic pictures that chronicle the fun that photo shoots don't always turn out to be! The picture with daddy is adorable and her brother is just too cute!
LOVE seeing all the pictures. can't wait until we have some of our own!
HAHA--save each and every one of those photos because some day you will look back at those and have such wonderful memories.
You both look tired--but I'm glad your sense of humor is still with you.
We loved seeing the pictures. I am sure it was stressful, but we sure enjoyed them. She has changed so much. We went back and looked at our pictures from the orphanage. You all look very good. Can't wait to see you again and be able to compare our stories and lives. :)
Oh, I still think you got some pretty cute shots. And even more- you have memories! She is still adorable, even when she is mad. And I love Michael's smile!
Hi Gen! I hope you are all feeling better soon! Phoebe is adorable even if she is making a frowny face though, so it is classic to have that documented to be looked at years later...Love the shot of her on John's shoulders...that is great. And you look cute in all the pictures. Michael and you together are quite remarkably similar :) He has such a sweet attitude, nothing seems to phase him, always smiling. Feel better, and we will talk soon! Hugs, Margaret
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